Ice skating for the whole family

The Village of Wonder’s large ice skating rink is the perfect attraction for adults and children alike. What could be more fun than whizzing around freely, dreaming of twirling like dancers on a beautiful blanket of ice? Ice skating undoubtedly remains one of the favorite activities for children and parents to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere in merriment!

Our skating rink, 80m long and 1,000 sqm wide, provides excitement throughout the opening period of the Village of Wonders. It is a double rink, partly covered and heated and partly outdoors, suitable for everyone. In addition to the large rink for adults, there is in fact the indoor Baby rink, reserved for children up to 8 years old and beginners up to 10 years old accompanied by their parents.

Entry to the skating rink

Entry to the rink and skate rental is valid for 1 hour.
For those who own their own skates, there is no time limit for using the rink.


every day from 10.00am to 9.00pm (last admission at 8.00pm)

December 24th e December 31th from 10.00am to 6.00pm (last admission at 5.00pm)

December 25th from 3.00pm to 7.00pm (last admission at 6.00pm)

download the regulations

Skating lessons

Come to Milano Christmas Village and learn how to ice skate!
You can book your one-to-one class with a private teacher and get the
individual attention you deserve.

Weekdays: 30′ slots from 4PM to 6PM
Weekends and holidays: 30′ slots from 10.30AM to 12PM

The cost of 25 euro will include: 30′ one-to-one class + 30′ free ice skating on the ice rink

Share your Christmas photos and tag our page!

Capture the moment and share your best shots at the Village of Wonders with our online community and all visitors.
#villaggiodellemeraviglie #milanochristmasvillage


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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

When does the Christmas Village start?

From November 16, 2024 to January 6, 2025.

No, reservations are not necessary. The park is located within the public gardens of INDRO MONTANELLI and entrances are free in all areas of the Village.

No, admission to the Village of Wonders is FREE, only the carousels and skating rink are charged.

Of course, being an outdoor Christmas park, animals are allowed.
Small animals may be held in arms or in pet carriers, while leashes are recommended for medium and large dogs

Of course, the park is family-friendly, set up for wheelchairs and strollers to pass through. It also has bathrooms with a heated nursery and container bathrooms that are constantly cleaned and sanitized

Several food service outlets are provided within the Village of Wonders.

It is possible to park in the blue stripes along the Bastioni di Porta Venezia.
In Corso Venezia, Via Marina and the streets adjacent to the gardens.
In all parking lots there are, of course, numerous parking spaces reserved for disabled pass holders.

For more information on traffic and parking in Milan: